Thursday, November 3, 2011

HADIRI GALERI DPD RI 2011 - "Amanah Wakil Negeri, Menjunjung Marwah Daerah"

"Amanah Wakil Negeri, Menjunjung Marwah Daerah"
19-20 November 2011

  1. Galeri Seajarah DPD RI di Parlemen Nasional
  2. Galeri DPD RI Periode I 2004-2009
  3. Galeri DPD RI Periode II 2009-2014
  4. Galeri Anggota DPD RI Perwakilan Riau 2009-2014
  5. Pojok Merchandise DPD RI
  6. Pojok Studio Foto Parlemen
  7. Sayembara Menulis
  8. Kompetisi Debat Mahasiswa se-Provinsi Riau
  9. Lomba Mewarnai tingkat TK
  10. Kuis Pelajar Berhadiah (tingkat SMP dan SMA)

DPD RI Perwakilan Riau
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.719 Pekanbaru
Telp. (0761) 857142 / 085374875334


Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Anggota DPD RI Perwakilan Riau, Dari Kiri ke Kanan: Intsiawati Ayus, Maimanah Umar, Abdul Gafar Usman, Muhammad Gazali
  1. Apa yang akan Anda kampanyekan seandainya Anda mencalonkan diri menjadi anggota DPD RI.
  2. Isyu-isyu apa saja yang ingin anda perjuangkan untuk kesejahteraan Riau.
  3. Apa saja yang akan Anda lakukan seandainya terpilih menjadi senator (anggota DPD RI).

  1. Siswa Kelas 1,2,3 SMU/SMK/MA Se-Provinsi Riau.
  2. Mahasiswa semester 1 - semester akhir PTN/PTS/ Akademi Se-Provinsi Riau.

Pengumuman Pemenang Sayembara akan dilaksanakan pada kegiatan GALLERY DPD RI pada tanggal 20 November 2011 di Perpustakaan Wilayah Provinsi Riau Hall C, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Pekanbaru pk.14.00-selesai.

  1. Setiap peserta hanya diperbolehkan mengirim satu tulisan saja.
  2. Bentuk dan gaya tulisan bebas, bisa berbentuk cerita, cerpen, essay, refleksi, features, atau opini.
  3. Tulisan belum pernah dipublikasikan atau diikutkan dalam lomba.
  4. Jumlah kata maksimum 700-1200 karakter.
  5. Diketik rapi di kertas ukuran A4 dengan 1,5 spasi dengan font Arial ukuran 12.
  6. Peserta mengirimkan foto pribadi berwarna ukuran 5R (digital atau cetak) dengan pose bebas.
  7. Batas akhir penyerahan tulisan dan foto pribadi pada tanggal 15 November 2011 cap pos dan atau waktu pengiriman email.
  8. Pengiriman naskah tulisan dapat dikirmkan melalui pos atau email yang tercantum dalam pengumuman ini.
  9. Tulisan pemenang menjadi hak panitia untuk dimuat pada media yang ditunjuk.
  10. Keputusan juri adalah mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.


Kategori Pelajar 
  • Juara I : Piagam Penghargaan, Tropi dan uang Tunai Rp. 1 juta 
  • Juara II : Piagam Penghargaan, Tropi dan uang Tunai Rp. 750 ribu 
  • Juara III : Piagam Penghargaan, Tropi dan uang Tunai Rp. 500 ribu 
Kategori Mahasiswa
  • Juara I : Piagam Penghargaan, Tropi dan uang Tunai Rp. 1,5 juta 
  • Juara II : Piagam Penghargaan, Tropi dan uang Tunai Rp. 1 juta 
  • Juara III : Piagam Penghargaan, Tropi dan uang Tunai Rp. 750 ribu

Alamat Pengiriman Naskah 
DPD RI Perwakilan Riau Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.719 Pekanbaru Telp. (0761) 857142
email :


Saturday, July 9, 2011

A group health insurance plan

Many small business owners know that in order for them to be successful they must offer an incentive to recruit employees to work for them. This can be any number of things, but most often it is the benefit of offering group health insurance. While this could be an excellent strategy for your small business to take in order to recruit new employees, there are a few things that you must know first before you dive into selecting a plan. Research group insurance policies thoroughly before choosing one for your company.

A group health insurance plan can be obtained by any small business that has as little as two employees to as many as fifty. There are two ways you can go about supplying the health insurance to your employees; this will mainly be decided by your own budget. Many small businesses that offer group health insurance help contribute towards the cost of the plan. On the other hand if an employee wants to have coverage for their families, the employer might offer to pay the employees' premiums and have them pay the premium for their families.

Another aspect of the group health insurance plan will be deciding between managed care or fee-for-service. Managed care plans include Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), or Point of Service plan (POS).

An HMO will significantly reduce the cost that your members will have to pay for medical care as long as they use the providers specified by the HMO. A PPO will not require a referral in order for them to see a specialist. While the PPO is more flexible it will bring higher costs to the per-visit and annual deductibles. The POS plans are basically a combination of the features that you will find in an HMO and PPO. Members get to decide whether to pay a flat fee for offices in the network, or pay a deductible charge to see someone out of network. The fee-for-service plan gives the employee the power to select health care providers themselves. This means that they will have way more flexibility with where they can go for medical assistance.

Adding an appealing Group Health insurance plan to your business could potentially bring you more employees. This is just the basic information about Group Health insurance; there are many options to consider when choosing a plan. Be sure to investigate all options to create the best plan for your employees.